How to Organize Your Garage For Fall & Winter
As the temperature begins to drop, it’s time to start thinking about what items you will need to access during the cooler months of fall and winter. Your potting supplies and lawn mower won’t be as essential, but the leaf blower and snow shovels will be getting a lot of use. Before it gets too cold, give your garage an organizational overhaul so you know just where to find the items you’ll need this winter. This quick guide will walk you through the steps of organizing your garage.
1. Empty your garage and categorize items
Pull items out of your garage and into your driveway so you can sort them, grouping the like items together. Most people end up with piles of sporting equipment, tools, car care supplies, gardening equipment, snow and ice removers, seasonal decorations, toys, and household goods.
2. Get rid of the clutter
You may be shocked to discover just how much junk you are keeping in your garage, or how many duplicate items you have. If it’s broken or expired, throw it away. If you have items that you don’t use and can’t see yourself using anytime soon, donate them, or if you have a lot, hold a fall garage sale that can help you fund the purchase of any items you don’t find and do need.
3. Start with a clean slate
Sweep the garage and get the cobwebs all out of the corners. You can also take this opportunity to power wash your garage floor if it needs a little extra help to look and feel clean.
4. Create a garage organization system with three types of storage
· Overhead garage storage is perfect for storing bulky seasonal equipment. You could stash your kiddie pools and camping equipment up there now, then get them down in the spring and move your snow shovels and holiday decorations up.
· Slat walls are ideal for hanging items you want at arm’s reach. During the fall and winter, that may be rakes, leaf blowers, sleds, snow shovels, and ice scrapers. During the summer, put those items away and replace them with garden shovels, lawn trimmers, and similar items.
· Garage cabinets can store sporting goods and household items and keep them off the floor. Make sure that dangerous chemicals, like antifreeze and leftover fertilizer from the gardening season, are stored out of reach on the top shelf of garage cabinets.
As you organize your garage, remember that everything needs a place to live, and it may be easier than you think to add inexpensive garage storage. This can help you stay organized all year long and avoid having to clean out your whole garage again next fall!